Water Brings Possibilities

Where there is water, there is food. After the brook Cherith got dried, God direct Elijah to the Widow of   Zarephath. When Elijah got there, he asked for water, the widow told him, there is water. Elijah didn’t allow the woman to bring the water, immediately he beckoned at the widow, give me food because he knows wherever there is water, there is food. 

The presence of Water at the wedding of Cana of Galilee brought the wine. 

The water here symbolizes Holy Spirit. Wherever there is Holy Spirit, there’s possibilities. When Hagar was in wilderness after she ran away from Sarah, she and her child, Ishmael was thirsty and about to die, the Lord opened her eyes to a well. She drank out of the well and gave the child also to drink thereby regaining the strength.

According to Medical Science, we can do without food for days, but not water. In fact, in the plumbing profession, Water is life. Their slogan is No water, no life.

Humans can’t do in a day without water, we use it to cook, bath, we drink it daily.  Everything done for Man’s consumption has an amount of water in it. Before a dirty surface can be clean, water must be applied, no matter the amount and power of the bleaching substance, without applying water to the surface, it can’t be clean and sparkling.

When you drink water, you are satisfied and your hunger is quenched. When you bath with water, you are refreshened. 

So also, as Christians, regardless of your intellectual knowledge, capacity and possessions, your life can’t be better without the presence of the Holy Ghost. We can’t survive our pilgrim journey to the glory land  without the Holy Spirit. 

As Humans can’t do without water a day, so also as Christians, we need the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.

Hyssop Magazine 2020
